October 23-24, 2010  RYC in San Francisco, CA
    Fresno Fencing Academy had an awesome showing at the RYC hosted last weekend by Balestra Fencing! The following kids competed: 
Jonathan Alfaro, James Lamb, Jared Lee, Michael Truong, Adam Hofman, Andrey Ostatnigrosh, Anna O’Meara, Aidan O’Meara and Dillon Xiong.
 The club took home 7 medals: 2 gold, 1 silver, and 4 bronze.  For a look at specific competitor’s individual results just click on their name on the right and AskFred will take you to what you need! Great job, fencers!                                                                                                                 PicturesFFA_Photo_Albums/Pages/RYC_Oct._2010.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0
     Fresno Fencing Academy 
offers a number of exciting camp opportunities over the summer. These camps are designed to be intensive instruction, with lots of one on one attention. They are physical, no doubt, but at the same time they are exciting, as fencing is a sport like no other!Summer_Camps_2013.htmlSummer_Camps_2013.htmlhttp://livepage.apple.com/shapeimage_3_link_0shapeimage_3_link_1

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